Which Star Wars Droids Do You Think LEGO Should Release Next?

This is a really tough question and has taken a good degree of head-scratching and quiet reflection, however, we have come up with some clunkers that we would really appreciate LEGO producing buildable versions of. The previous droids, LEGO BB-8, BD-1, D-O and the new LEGO 75381 Droideka all look true to their on-screen selves so we have faith that LEGO would be able to replicate any of these guys.
Docking Bay 3-5 is home to the quirky trio of Pit Droids owned by Peli Motto and they are often refuelling and repairing battered ships in this Mos Eisley Spaceport. The Pit Droids are adorable and highly entertaining, plus when they’re not needed they compact down into a neat little package. LEGO definitely need to create one of these guys, as they would look perfect on the shelf next to the previous releases.
Still small, but not as small is Chopper, the somewhat disobedient but brave little C1-10P inhabitant of the Ghost VCX-100. This little dude brings much sarcasm and humour to his comrades and we think he would look great next to the LEGO 75379 R2-D2.
Professor Huyang. No further reason is required - he’s Professor Huyang and he rocks. Huyang was the overseer of lightsaber construction in the Jedi Order for many, many centuries. His databanks retain all the exact information about every lightsaber he ever built or helped to build (this droid is a lightsaber oracle).
During the Clone Wars, he assisted the younglings in the art of lightsaber construction on their paths to become Padawans. Huyang has witnessed the rise and fall of the Empire and has survived to see the dawn of the New Republic. Anybody who has been through and seen as much as Professor Huyang definitely deserves to be preserved in LEGO.
The next deserving droid is IG-12 with The Child (there seems to be a theme of cuteness here), a droid repurposed into a mech by Babu Frick and the other Anzellan droidsmiths. IG-12 was born from the remains of IG-11 after he sacrificed himself to save Grogu during the Clash On Nevarro. Many of his remains were salvaged including his damaged memory circuit and due to the fantastic skills of the Anzellians, IG-12 was born.
The penultimate droid we would like to see in LEGO form is K-2SO. We did get LEGO 75120 in 2016, but a larger scale of this character is much needed. He was first seen in Rogue One and was initially created to work for the Imperial Army however Captain Cassian Andor reprogrammed him. Once this modified security droid was reprogrammed, he served in the Alliance and eventually sacrificed himself during the Battle Of Scarif so that Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso could steal the plans for the Deathstar. Another valiant droid who is worthy of becoming a LEGO Star Wars buildable model.
The last droid we think should become 'LEGOified' is the B2 Super Battle Droid. These guys were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Some of the earlier B2s only had a blaster on their right forearms but then they were fitted with both left and right arm blasters. The B2s are much stronger than the B1 Battle Droid and can easily lift a Clone Trooper off the ground. Whilst they don’t require a command system in order to operate, they are unable to work out any strategic attacks, so they work best with organic commanders or tactical droids. The B2 Super Battle Droid has much thicker armour than the B1 and this encases their fragile sensors. Whilst these are in no way cute, they are a force to be reckoned with and we think they deserve a place on our LEGO Star Wars shelves.
Do you agree with our choices? Which droids would you like to see LEGO produce?