DISPATCH TIME: Usually within 1-3 weeks (read more)

Contact us


Do you ship to my country and how much does it cost?
Select your country flag from the top left of the page. Once you add items to the cart, you can use the shipping cost calculator on the cart page. Shipping cost depends on the volumetric weight of your order. All display cases are sent with an insured trackable courier service.

Why is my payment card being declined?
Our payment processing is based in the UK and some international card issuers restrict foreign payments. Please contact the card issuer to lift the restriction. Alternatively, try using PayPal. PayPal gives you the option to use a debit or credit card without creating an account with them.

Issues with the protective film or scratches on the acrylic?
Please take a look at the video we've created, showing how best to remove the protective film from the acrylic.

Why has my display arrived blue?
There is a blue protective film on both sides of the acrylic. We recommend using a plastic card (e.g. loyalty card) to peel the film off of one of the corners on each side.

www.idisplayit.co.uk is a trading name of Pure Display Limited, dedicated to providing quality display cases for LEGO sets and other collectibles.

Pure Display Limited,
20-22 Chobham Street,
Luton, Bedfordshire,
United Kingdom

Please note that this address is NOT a retail shop.
Visits are by appointment only.

Telephone: 01923 468885

Email: info@idisplayit.co.uk