Lord of the Rings LEGO Returning in 2023
Return to middle earth with a new range of Lord of the Rings BrickHeadz and Rumours of a MARCH Rivendell release

In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit. And after many years of adventures in the medium of books, films and console games, it can be safely said that the simple but heroic folk of the Shire conquered the hearts of fans worldwide on their quest to destroy Sauron’s feared One Ring.
Following the success of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, it was inevitable that a range of LEGO sets would follow. The earliest sets arrived in 2012, concluding in 2015, when the line was discontinued after a total of 40 sets were released.
Despite this, LEGO LOTR enthusiasts have never forgotten their love of the franchise’s brief foray into the world of brick-built collectables. Now-classic sets such as The Tower of Orthanc 10237, The Battle of Helm’s Deep 9474, Uruk-Hai Army 9427, and The Council of Elrond 79006 are highly sought after, and fans have discussed for years what sets they would like to see if the theme ever returned.
Now, like a half-forgotten Ent awakening from its slumber in Fangorn forest, the theme is set to return this year with three new sets confirmed by LEGO…
Lord of the Rings LEGO Brickheadz
The news that LEGO LOTR will be returning in BrickHeadz form has met with mixed reactions from the online community. The BrickHeadz range has always divided opinion, with some cynically citing it as a naff LEGO rip-off of Funk Pop! Vinyl figures, while others argue they are fun, approachable and affordable sets for casual fans.
Whether you are a BrickHeadz fan or not, we think the theme returning in any form can only be a good thing and raises the hope of more LEGO sets coming along in the future.
What Lord of the Rings LEGO Sets Are Coming Out in 2023?
The three sets which are now available to buy from the LEGO website are Frodo & Gollum 40630, Gandalf the Grey and Balrog 40631 and Aragorn and Arwen 40632.
We particularly like the detail on the Aragorn model, including the jewelled and winged crown and chest piece. The Balrog is also very cute, with the addition of a fiery whip – it is also impressive that they managed to squeeze such a giant demon of the ancient world into a small figure. The Balrog’s fellow Maiar opponent, the famous wizard Gandalf the Grey, is also instantly-recognisable with his grey attire, hat and the famous elven sword Glamdring.
LEGO The Lord of the Rings Rivendell 10316
“Elrond’s house was perfect, whether you liked food, or sleep, or work, or story-telling, or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all. Evil things did not come into that valley.” – The Hobbit.
Strong rumours are circulating that Rivendell, the hidden valley of Imladris and home to Elrond Half-Elven, will be getting a new LEGO set release in March, with a purported brick count of over 6,000 pieces!
There is so much potential in Rivendell as a LEGO set, with the location featuring extensively in both the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. If the set is as big as we think, expect to see the Sindarin architecture recreated in exquisite details, along with the natural beauty of the mountains, rivers and valleys comprising the magical location. Minifigures could include Elrond, his daughter Arwen, or even less well-known elves from the novels, such as Glorfindel and the brothers Elladan and Elrohir – for fans of the films; we may even see Lindir (aka Figwit!)
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